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<aside> 📌 Setting the stage—We believe the hiring process can be fun! We love getting the opportunity to meet other people in the industry, see all the exciting work, and seek out those win-win moments where we can both offer a job that meets someone's needs while finding the right person that meets ours. Our entire process is centered around the premise that while we’re trying to learn about the candidates, we’re also trying to teach them about us. In short, we understand that this is a two-way process and we want to facilitate that in each step of the journey. With that in mind, the following is intended to give you an insight into our process and what we’re looking to achieve at each stage.


Leveling & Expectations

Transparency is extremely important within our design group and within Paramount as a whole. This has only become more prevalent with the unknowingness in the world over the last few years and the growth in remote work. This also means remote job applications, remote interviews, and remote on sites (more on that later). We’ve found that being transparent— eliminating any guesswork before, during, or after the process—creates the most room for success in finding a strong fit for both the job seeker and for us as the potential employer. This stands true no matter the required experience or seniority. One example of this is through clear leveling and the subsequent expectations of our team members.

The design team members fall into one of the two commonly found tracks, ICs or Managers. Within each of those tracks, we have the following:

Product Design Career Tracks

Product Design Career Tracks

The expectations of our designers and design managers change depending on their level, and this is reflected throughout the hiring process for that role.

Prior to opening up the role, the internal team members will all align on these expectations and make sure the designated level is agreed on. This means we’ll always present the roles at the desired level rather than leaving it up for interpretation and seeing where a candidate lands. At our scale, this has proved to be the most effective way of achieving that transparency, getting alignment, both internally and externally, and finding a good fit from this remote process.

Applying & Portfolios

Before we dive into what the interview process looks like, let’s quickly talk about Portfolios. This is, without doubt, the biggest detractor of applicants. There is plenty of material on this subject already so instead of repeating it, here’s a compilation of our top do’s and don’ts, and some recommended reading for those curious.

